2024年10月7日(月)12時16分 PR TIMES
(English follows)
汎用AIロボットの実現を目指す株式会社Jizai(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役CEO 石川佑樹、以下「Jizai」)は、東京大学協創プラットフォーム開発株式会社(本社:東京都文京区本郷、代表取締役社長 植田浩輔、以下、「東大IPC」)が運営する国内最大規模を誇る大学・研究機関共催の起業支援プログラム「1stRound」の第11回支援先として採択されました。
[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/145251/5/145251-5-bd9342c961340a3db12c0d03e8db4ae5-1920x1280.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
Jizaiは、急速な少子高齢化や労働力人口の減少などの課題に対して、AIソリューション/AI SaaS事業・AIロボット事業など生成AI・ロボット領域の社会実装を行います。また、マルチモーダルAIによる制御とタスクの遂行を可能にするハードウエアを研究・開発することで、汎用AIロボットの実現を目指します。
代表者:代表取締役CEO 石川 佑樹
所在地:東京都文京区向丘2-3-10 東大前HiRAKU GATE
Jizai Selected as Support Recipient for 11th Round of "1stRound," The University of Tokyo IPC's Startup Support Program
Jizai Corporation (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yuki Ishikawa; hereinafter "Jizai"), which aims to develop general-purpose AI robots, has been selected as one of the support recipients for the 11th round of "1stRound," the largest startup support program in Japan co-hosted by universities and research institutions, operated by The University of Tokyo IPC Corporation (Headquarters: Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; President: Kosuke Ueda; hereinafter "UTokyo IPC").
[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/145251/5/145251-5-61c7da036209d2907749df602c0c41fa-1920x1280.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
[1stRound: Japan's Largest Cross-University Incubation Platform]
"1stRound" is Japan's largest cross-academia incubation platform supporting the commercialization and social implementation of excellent technologies and ideas related to universities. To accelerate initial momentum, it provides non-equity financial support and hands-on assistance to help projects become startups or business entities with calculable business value. It started in 2017 as a "Startup Support Program" originating from the University of Tokyo. In 2019, it was renamed "1stRound" and expanded into a consortium format with the participation of corporate partners. Subsequently, national, public, and private universities, as well as national research institutions, have joined, evolving it into the largest co-hosted academic program in Japan.
[About Jizai, Inc.]
Jizai implements AI solutions/AI SaaS businesses and AI robot businesses in the fields of Generative AI and robotics to address challenges such as rapid population aging and declining workforce. By researching and developing hardware that enables control and task execution through multimodal AI, the company aims to realize general-purpose AI robots.
Company Name: Jizai, Inc.
Representative: CEO Yuki Ishikawa
Location: Todaimae HiRAKU GATE, 2-3-10 Mukaigaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Established: June 2024
Business Description: Planning, development, and provision of advanced technology services such as Generative AI and robotics
Corporate Website: http://jizai.ai/
Company Name: Jizai, Inc.
Contact: PR Department
E-Mail: info@jizai.ai
汎用AIロボットの実現を目指す株式会社Jizai(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役CEO 石川佑樹、以下「Jizai」)は、東京大学協創プラットフォーム開発株式会社(本社:東京都文京区本郷、代表取締役社長 植田浩輔、以下、「東大IPC」)が運営する国内最大規模を誇る大学・研究機関共催の起業支援プログラム「1stRound」の第11回支援先として採択されました。
[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/145251/5/145251-5-bd9342c961340a3db12c0d03e8db4ae5-1920x1280.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
Jizaiは、急速な少子高齢化や労働力人口の減少などの課題に対して、AIソリューション/AI SaaS事業・AIロボット事業など生成AI・ロボット領域の社会実装を行います。また、マルチモーダルAIによる制御とタスクの遂行を可能にするハードウエアを研究・開発することで、汎用AIロボットの実現を目指します。
代表者:代表取締役CEO 石川 佑樹
所在地:東京都文京区向丘2-3-10 東大前HiRAKU GATE
Jizai Selected as Support Recipient for 11th Round of "1stRound," The University of Tokyo IPC's Startup Support Program
Jizai Corporation (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yuki Ishikawa; hereinafter "Jizai"), which aims to develop general-purpose AI robots, has been selected as one of the support recipients for the 11th round of "1stRound," the largest startup support program in Japan co-hosted by universities and research institutions, operated by The University of Tokyo IPC Corporation (Headquarters: Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; President: Kosuke Ueda; hereinafter "UTokyo IPC").
[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/145251/5/145251-5-61c7da036209d2907749df602c0c41fa-1920x1280.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
[1stRound: Japan's Largest Cross-University Incubation Platform]
"1stRound" is Japan's largest cross-academia incubation platform supporting the commercialization and social implementation of excellent technologies and ideas related to universities. To accelerate initial momentum, it provides non-equity financial support and hands-on assistance to help projects become startups or business entities with calculable business value. It started in 2017 as a "Startup Support Program" originating from the University of Tokyo. In 2019, it was renamed "1stRound" and expanded into a consortium format with the participation of corporate partners. Subsequently, national, public, and private universities, as well as national research institutions, have joined, evolving it into the largest co-hosted academic program in Japan.
[About Jizai, Inc.]
Jizai implements AI solutions/AI SaaS businesses and AI robot businesses in the fields of Generative AI and robotics to address challenges such as rapid population aging and declining workforce. By researching and developing hardware that enables control and task execution through multimodal AI, the company aims to realize general-purpose AI robots.
Company Name: Jizai, Inc.
Representative: CEO Yuki Ishikawa
Location: Todaimae HiRAKU GATE, 2-3-10 Mukaigaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Established: June 2024
Business Description: Planning, development, and provision of advanced technology services such as Generative AI and robotics
Corporate Website: http://jizai.ai/
Company Name: Jizai, Inc.
Contact: PR Department
E-Mail: info@jizai.ai